Wednesday 19 April 2023

Looking beyond the frame: (6) The Queue at the Fish Shop, (7) It weren't me, Miss


The Queue at the Fish Shop Oil on canvas 1942-5 Imperial War Museum

In this mini-series of Evelyn's paintings and drawings, in which figures look beyond the frame to some great matter, to something of particular importance, we come to The Queue at the Fish Shop of 1942-5. Excluding portraits, there are only 7 such figures: (1) August, (2) Putting on Anti-Gas Protective Clothing, (3) Dorset, (4) Joseph in the Pit, (5) 'Zacchaeus', (6) The Queue at the Fish Shop, and (7) ...wait and see: Evelyn's little joke. (Or is it?)

Evelyn, in self-portrait, is looking at us. She's impassive, unsmiling. How it would have transformed the whole painting and minimised its impact if she had been smiling! Nor is she angry. (Evelyn never was: impatient sometimes, but never angry.) She's challenging our complacency, maybe our mistrust. Let's explore this in a little detail.

There are certain lines, actual or implied, in The Queue at the Fish Shop. The cyclist is Evelyn's husband, Flight Lieutenant Roger Folley, RAF. If you extend the line of Roger's handlebars (it does no harm to do it with a transparent plastic ruler on a reproduction), if you extend the line of the fold of his fore-and-aft cap, if you follow the line of heads in the left-hand queue, you arrive at the same point: the beginning of the inscription LARGE SUPPLIES OF FRESH FISH FROM THE COAST DAILY. Just at the moment, of course, there aren't any fish at all, and superficially Evelyn is pointing an inescapable irony. But there will be. It's a promise. The guarantor of that promise is Roger, standing for the Royal Air Force and by implication the armed services. It must have been very exciting for Evelyn to cast this mantle on the shoulders of her fiancé: she started The Queue at the Fish Shop to mark their engagement, in February 1942. It was a personal statement. It was by no means a War Artists' Advisory Committee commission.

My thesis in these six - but not the seventh - 'Beyond the Frame' images is that, deliberately or instinctively, Evelyn draws our attention to major themes - death, war, personal tragedy (as in August), religious epiphany (as in 'Zacchaeus') - by giving them an unseen offstage existence, and creating the onstage, on-canvas tension and drama through her characters' reactions to them. The Queue at the Fish Shop, is exceptional in that what is offstage is a guarantee, a promise kept. We aren't so very far, once again, from Evelyn's driving notion of the Covenant, the contract between the Creator and mankind: in return for mankind's love for and care of the earth, the Creator promises endless abundance. It's this that Evelyn, in an earnest stare that some feel uncomfortable to confront for very long, is asking us not to forget.

* * * 

(7) It weren't me, Miss

 Sketch for Land Girls Going to Bed 1943 Photograph ©Liss Llewellyn

Above is a sketch for Land Girls Going to Bed. These Land Girls were billeted in a large country house, probably in or near Wooler, Northumberland. Evelyn included them in her portfolio of images from the Borders in May, 1943. These young women have allowed Evelyn into their dormitory to record them preparing for bed. One might be already asleep, the girl in the bunk below turns out in the final oil version to be applying cold cream to her face, and there's nothing much to be said about the other two girls, one kneeling in front of a chest of drawers, the other sketched in profile in the foreground. In the final version, however, she takes on a character absent from the sketch. Here she is:

 Land Girls Going to Bed (detail)

What is she looking at, beyond the frame, as she tugs her Women's Land Army jumper over her liberty bodice? Evelyn doesn't tell us, but as we should know by now, there's always something else in her work, something hidden, something hinted at, something alluded to, something unexpected for us to discover, we mightn't be far out if we supposed that what the girl is looking at is a supervisor, maybe a warden, asking 'Right, who broke the bunk? Come on, own up!'

Here's the final version:

 Land Girls Going to Bed Oil on canvas 1943 Imperial War Museum

If we look carefully at the lower of the two visible bunks, the side rail, the one close to those slippers, has come adrift. The nearer end appears to rest on the floor, meaning that Cold Cream Girl is going to have a lop-sided night. If we dismissed this as poor draughtsmanship (which we shouldn't have done: artists of Evelyn's calibre just don't make mistakes like that), we've only to refer to her sketch: it's just as deliberate there. What's more, someone has placed that rush-seated chair so as to obscure the broken bed rail. Clearly there's been some larking about. Who bust it? Who was bouncing on it? I don't think the answer is far to seek. However momentous Evelyn's off-stage concerns are, no doubt this was of equally pressing immediate importance to the beady-eyed girl undressing. What do you think?

Text ©Christopher Campbell-Howes 2023. All rights reserved.  

Monday 17 April 2023

Looking beyond the frame (5) 'Zacchaeus'


  'Zacchaeus' pre-1933 Pen and wash heightened with white on paper Signed 'E.Dunbar' Private collection

I ought to preface 'Zacchaeus' and its fascinating back story by putting CONJECTURE ALERT at the head: what follows is the piecing together of several sometimes quite disparate elements in the hope of composing a convincing narrative. Alas, some of what follows is guesswork - informed guesswork, I hope, but still more conjecture than good scholarship has houseroom for. If any reader knows better or has information to add to the following reconstruction, please leave a comment. I'd be very grateful!

* * *

In about 1922, when Evelyn was in her mid-teens, she seems to have considered illustrating a series of Bible stories in pen and ink, and in contemporary dress. What her purpose was we don't know, but we can maybe assume some project connected with the Christian Science community in Rochester of which her family (apart from her father William) were committed members. Biblical illustration was something that drove her throughout her life: her final completed painting was Jacob's Dream, on her easel in her studio when she died in May 1960. One such early drawing was Martha, Mary and Lazarus:

 Martha, Mary and Lazarus 1922 Pen and wash on paper NS Image ©Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford

Evelyn has gone to St Luke' gospel, chapter 10, for his account of Jesus' visit to the house where the siblings Lazarus, Martha and their young sister Mary lived. Lazarus doesn't appear in Evelyn's picture: the man on the left is Jesus; sitting on a plaid rug opposite him, enraptured by his discourse, is Mary, who has some resemblance to the teenage Evelyn; in the background is Martha, peeling apples or potatoes in a posture reminiscent of Evelyn's mother Florence that we've seen elsewhere. Jesus has taken his boots off, a standard practice in Islam, one which the Koran shares with the Old Testament, denoting that the place where he is and the context of his teaching is sacred. How much Evelyn knew of Stanley Spencer's casting of scriptural subjects in modern dress and surroundings we don't know, but for Evelyn to do so, in the context of her own home, and possibly including herself, is surely an equally powerful vector.

In 1957, towards the end of her life, the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford asked Evelyn, who had been teaching part-time in Oxford for some years, for some samples of her work. She chose to donate a couple of family pencil portraits and Martha, Mary and Lazarus. It may be noteworthy that Evelyn didn't sign it.

Was Martha, Mary and Lazarus the only Biblical pen-and-ink illustration in the series?

* * *

In the final months of Evelyn's postgraduate year at the Royal College of Art Evelyn volunteered to join a small team of recent graduates to decorate the hall at Brockley School for Boys in south-east London. She did so at the invitation of her mural tutor, Charles Mahoney. It was a big project, and the work lasted, largely uninterrupted, for a little under three years, April 1933 to February 1936. As the project neared its end, by which time Evelyn and Mahoney had become lovers, she looked about for other projects and commissions. One result of her search was an invitation in March 1936 by Athole Hay, Registrar at the Royal College of Art, to submit mural designs for the interior decoration of some new buildings at the University of London.

To accompany this request she was asked to submit a supporting portfolio of her work, to be delivered to Athole Hay at the Royal College of Art, and this she did. What happened to this portfolio is not known. It seems to have disappeared from the RCA. Having left the RCA three years before, Evelyn no longer had an automatic entrée there, even less after she and Mahoney separated in 1937. There's some suggestion in the Evelyn-Mahoney correspondence, now housed in the Tate Archive, that she asked him to collect it or at least enquire about it. Evelyn was concerned that it shouldn't fall into unauthorised hands. There the story dies until many years later.

It was in 2010 or thereabouts that a very fine pen and ink drawing, rather hurriedly signed 'E Dunbar' in the style she favoured in the mid-1930s, came to light in a document drawer in a piece of furniture once belonging to Eric Ravilious, who died in 1942. When his daughter Anne Ullmann told me about it she had no idea how it came to be there. Although he never taught Evelyn, Eric Ravilious had taught at the Royal College of Art throughout the years of her studentship and thereafter. Evelyn and Ravilious hardly knew each other. The likelihood, but pure conjecture, is that the pen and ink drawing had come from Evelyn's missing portfolio.

* * *

It's an impressive piece of work, of a depth rarely achieved with pen, ink and wash, heightened with white, alive with movement and excitement. Here it is again for reference:


This, then, is another in this mini-series of images Evelyn has created in which a principal figure is looking beyond the frame. There are only 7, and one of them, number 7, is one of Evelyn's jokes; this is number 5. It's a technique Evelyn uses to evoke something of great importance happening beyond the frame. Some would say that what is happening here is of unequalled significance.

Clearly something very exciting is about to happen. A star-struck, enraptured girl - could she be the same girl as in Martha, Mary and Lazarus above? - is looking out of the frame at something so blinding, so brilliantly powerful that the girl next to her has to shield her eyes. Other people (I can count sixteen), it seems of all ages, are hurrying to see what's going on, what's happening beyond the frame, who's coming. And two, to get a better view, are climbing a tree, one by ladder and one, not an enormous person, by rope or - it isn't clear - rope ladder, slung from a much higher branch.

Could there be a clue in St Luke, chapter 19? Has Evelyn transported her imagination to 1st Century AD Jericho, clothing her scene in modern dress?

And Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. And behold, there was a man called Zacchaeus...and he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature. And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy house...

But how did this drawing come into Eric Ravilious' possession? Better not to ask, surely. A conjecture too far.

Text ©Christopher Campbell-Howes 2023. All rights reserved.


Further reading...

by Christopher Campbell-Howes

is available to order online from:

Casemate Publishing | Amazon UK | Amazon US

448 pages, 301 illustrations. RRP £30




Saturday 1 April 2023

Looking beyond the frame (4) Joseph in the Pit



Joseph in the Pit Oil on canvas 1947 Photograph Petra van der Wal ©Christopher Campbell-Howes Private collection

Here is poor Joseph, youngest of Jacob's sons and his father's favourite. If he's unfamiliar through reading of Genesis, Chapter 37, he's reasonably universally known though the late 1960s musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Evelyn's picture above is the second of a trilogy of paintings illustrating crucial moments in the Joseph story. The first is Joseph's Dream, begun in about 1937 and analysed here, and the third is Joseph in Prison, completed some 12 years later.

Joseph's brothers, destined to found the 12 tribes of Israel, detested Joseph bitterly, partly because of his favoured family standing and partly because of his boastfully egocentric dreams. The brothers plotted to kill him, but were dissuaded from murder by the eldest, Reuben, who suggested that they should let nature take its course by robbing him of his coat of many colours and throwing him into a pit, where he would certainly die of starvation or be eaten by a wild beast.

* * *

Shortly after World War 2 Evelyn went with her husband Roger Folley to the Yorkshire dales, a walking expedition which included exploring Gordale Scar, a massive limestone ravine, possibly a collapsed cave. Has she invoked Gordale Scar as the backdrop for Joseph's discomfiture? Was this the trigger for the continuation and completion of Evelyn's long-considered Joseph trilogy? 

Joseph in the Pit is unique in a curious way. It's the only painting in her entire canon (we exclude minor works like mice climbing Lake District mountains) which features mountainous scenery in the form of bare unyielding rock, with not the slightest hint of any form of growth or hint of regeneration, in which the hand of man hasn't intervened to work the land. So Joseph is condemned to die...apparently.

Joseph in the Pit is unusual, if not quite unique, in another way: it's another of the very few paintings, I believe 7 in all, in which the principal subject is looking out beyond the frame, searching, regretting, identifying, welcoming something of the greatest personal or general significance. Here Joseph, stripped of everything apart from a sort of undershirt, looks despairingly upwards for any sign of help. Maybe Evelyn, as she often did, had a line of a Psalm handy as she conceived the design of her painting, perhaps Psalm121: I will lift up mine eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help, in the 17th century diction she loved.

And of course help did come, in the form of a band of desert nomads who discovered Joseph, hauled him up, took him to Egypt with them and sold him as a slave. He never looked back.

Text ©Christopher Campbell-Howes 2023. All rights reserved.

by Christopher Campbell-Howes

is available to order online from:

Casemate Publishing | Amazon UK | Amazon US

448 pages, 301 illustrations. RRP £30





Friday 17 March 2023

Looking beyond the frame: (2) Dorset and (3) Putting on Anti-Gas Protective Clothing


 Dorset oil on canvas 1947-48 Photograph: Ben Taylor ©The owner Private collection

Dorset is another of Evelyn's paintings in which the subject looks out of the frame. The previous post looked at August, a largely autobiographical image, enveloped in deep emotions. The conclusion was drawn that when Evelyn wants to express something particularly profound, moving or important, the principal figure's gaze is concentrated on something, actual or notional, outside the frame. In all Evelyn's work there are only 7 such images, so the rarity of this arrangement perhaps indicates the importance she deliberately laid on her subject and its implications.

The fascinating back-story of Dorset is told here. Briefly, the figure is based on Anne Garland, heroine of Thomas Hardy's novel The Trumpet Major. She has climbed to a vantage point on Portland Bill, the southernmost point of the county of Dorset, which has wide views over the English Channel. The views are wide enough to encompass and follow the course of shipping up and down the Channel. 

The date is September 16th, 1805, and the time is about 4pm. It's not certain that Evelyn knew this, or even needed to know it, although given the colouring of the grasses about her and the early autumnal feel of the landscape, maybe she has done some homework in the interests of historical accuracy. In fact these details come from a contemporary ship's log: none other than the log of HMS Victory, outward bound from Portsmouth on a voyage that will culminate five weeks later near Cadiz, off the Atlantic coast of Spain, by Cape Trafalgar.

Among the ship's company of HMS Victory are Bob Loveday, whom Anne Garland will eventually marry, Admiral Horatio Nelson and, to square the circle, the captain of HMS Victory, Thomas Masterman Hardy, whom Thomas Hardy the novelist claimed as a distant family relative. Both Hardys were Dorset men.

What the people of Britain - including the fictional Anne Garland - knew in the summer of 1805 was that Napoleon, intent on invading Britain, had gathered a massive fleet of transports at Boulogne to ferry his 200,000 strong army across the Channel. All he needed was the French navy to protect its passage for the few hours it would take to cross the Channel. In Napoleon's words: 'Let us be masters of the Channel for six hours, and we are masters of the world'.

At Trafalgar on October 21st 1805 the French fleet was destroyed. Britain was safe. Part of the price Britain paid for salvation was the death of Nelson, shot by a sniper high in the rigging of a French ship. (In fact Napoleon, ever impatient with the non-arrival of his navy, struck camp at Boulogne in late August and marched off to trouble southern Germany. The whole vast but eventually futile enterprise had been financed by the Louisiana Purchase, the sale of Louisiana by France to the infant United States.)

End of history lesson. Not, of course, that you needed it, but it gives us the background against which Anne Garland, conscious and fearful of great national danger threatening, focuses her gaze through the protective shield of her hands to a point beyond the frame where the great battleship - with her suitor on board - slowly disappears over the western horizon. Thank you, Thomas Hardy, and thank you, Evelyn.

We move on to something curiously similar.



  Putting on Anti-Gas Protective Clothing 1940 Oil on canvas Imperial War Museum, London
Putting on Anti-Gas Protective Clothing was among first of Evelyn's war paintings. Perhaps unexpectedly, it bears comparison with Dorset above. It's another of the very few paintings in Evelyn's output in which the principal subject - seen alone in the final box - is looking beyond the frame, indicating something particularly significant or important. It was very well received by the War Artists' Advisory Committee, to the extent that Evelyn appears to have received a bonus payment for it by order of Sir Kenneth Clark, the WAAC chairman. It was painted in May and June, 1940.

At the outbreak of war in September 1939 gas attacks, using the same gases - phosgene, chlorine and mustard gas - as those used in World War 1 were widely expected. Gas masks were issued to the entire British population. Warning, recovery and primary care, particularly in the cities, of victims of gas attack were entrusted to Air Raid Precautions (later Civil Defence), a civilian organisation drawing its members partly from the Women's Voluntary Service, which is exactly what Evelyn's subjects were. By the final frame her principal subject, helmeted and dressed in rubberised anti-gas material probably dating from World War 1, is facing with grim determination the dreadful threat from German poison gas bombing raids...

...which never happened. However, before Evelyn's paint was fully dry the threat of gas had been replaced by something else. In late May and early June 1940 the news was grim. The British army, maintaining a presence in northern France since the outbreak of war, had been outmanœuvred and driven by Hitler's armies to the Channel coast. An enormous rescue operation, overseen by the Royal Navy, evacuated thousands of British, Commonwealth and French troops from the beaches of Dunkirk. Immense amounts of equipment were abandoned. The army was broken. Soon afterwards France fell. The German army lay poised to invade. 

And in the few weeks' interim between Evelyn sketching out her first designs and signing off Anti-Gas Protective Clothing in the bottom right hand corner, there was a change of Prime Minister: the ineffectual Neville Chamberlain was replaced by Winston Churchill. Evelyn has tilted her subject's head in an attitude of defiance and determination, which cleverly allows us to see her face through the perspex of her gas mask. It is this expression which make me wonder if she had seen a photograph of Winston Churchill at much the same time, similarly looking resolutely upwards and outwards towards the national peril.

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Text ©Christopher Campbell-Howes 2023. All rights reserved


Further reading...

  by Christopher Campbell-Howes

  is available to order online from:

 Casemate Publishing | Amazon UK | Amazon US

  448 pages, 301 illustrations. RRP £30


Wednesday 8 March 2023

Looking beyond the frame (1): August


  August 1938 Oil on canvas Photo Michael Shaw ©Christopher Campbell-Howes Private collection.

 This is August. We've met her before, here. She first appeared in Evelyn's imagination as a line drawing in her Country Life 1938 Gardener's Diary:

August 1937 Pen and ink, from Country Life 1938 Gardener's Diary

When August was cleaned, some years after Michael Shaw's photograph was taken, several questions were raised, including whether she was looking out of the frame, or whether she had her eyes closed and was daydreaming about events past or, perhaps more importantly, to come.

August (detail)

Is that an eye, peeping out from beneath her Elephant's Ear leaf hat, or an eyelash, suggesting that her eye is closed and that she is deep in thought? In the much sharper 1938 Gardener's Diary drawing, there's no suggestion of an eye at all.

And that garden the drawing the word '(Au)gust' appears in the iron work of the back-rest; Evelyn has edited it out from the oil version. Not only that: wrought iron garden seats in this general style appear in several places in Evelyn's images from the mid-1930s. Some are associated with the garden at Brick House, Edward and Charlotte Bawden's home in Great Bardfield, Essex, a place Evelyn used sometimes to visit with her lover Charles Mahoney, somewhere with particular significances in the development of their relationship. Here they are together, in a detail from a letter to Mahoney from the winter of 1934-35.

Detail from letter to Mahoney, winter 1934-35. Tate Archive, reference TGA200921 Personal papers of Charles Mahoney

But in August she is a solitary figure, alone with her thoughts and visions. Her erstwhile partner has disappeared.

* * *

August was painted in late 1937 or 1938, at a particularly difficult period of Evelyn's life. We can assume that the Gardener's Diary drawing came first, no later than the autumn of 1937, in good time for the 1938 diary to be on booksellers' and stationers' shelves, and that the painting followed later. The cleaning revealed a certain violence, indeed a savagery about Evelyn's brushwork totally absent from its sister pieces, February and April, that might lead one to believe that at some time in its history attempts had been made to overpaint some of the rawer episodes with a medium that flaked away in the cleaning process. These 'month' paintings, August, February and April, were never disposed of during Evelyn's lifetime. After her death, in 1960 at the age of 53, her husband Roger Folley passed them, together with almost her entire residual studio, to Alec Dunbar, the younger of Evelyn's two brothers. In due course August was assigned elsewhere in part settlement of an unpaid debt.

* * *  

Figures which look out of the frame are very rare indeed in Evelyn's work. In all the hundreds of images which make up her work - portraits are excepted, of course -  there are only seven. All seven, six women and one young man, are in the grip of very powerful emotions.    

Here then is the first of the seven, August, taking the persona of Evelyn/Eve in the Garden of Eden, dressed in the scarlet of lust, forbidden fruit on her lap, the serpent disguised as a garden hose complete with pump, abandoned by her lover...and at this point we might wonder to what grim extent this painting is autobiographical. After an increasingly tottery relationship Evelyn and Mahoney separated in late August or early September of 1937. At that time or a little earlier Evelyn discovered she was pregnant. Early on in her pregnancy she miscarried. Much lay beyond the frame of her actuality. Her past expectations, her hopes for the future lay in ruins about her. Clearly she had much to ponder, eyes open or eyes closed.


Text ©Christopher Campbell-Howes 2023. All right reserved

Further reading...

by Christopher Campbell-Howes

is available to order online from:

Casemate Publishing | Amazon UK | Amazon US

448 pages, 301 illustrations. RRP £30









Saturday 14 January 2023

Brook from Amage (1959)


 Brook from Amage Oil on canvas 1959 Photograph Richard Valencia ©The author Private collection
Brook from Amage is among the last landscapes Evelyn painted. It dates from the early autumn of 1959; she died the following May. It's among the most personally revealing pictures from her brush.
We're in East Kent, not far from where Evelyn and her husband Roger Folley lived in the 1950s. Amage is the name of a farm standing on the road linking the villages of Brook and Wye, where Roger Folley lectured in horticultural economics at the College. This road runs along the foot of the North Downs, taking in views across arable land and pasture towards Brook, whose tiled roofs and Norman church appear, not very prominently, in the upper left-hand quarter of Evelyn's canvas.
Evelyn came late to landscape. Her portfolio opens with a few fairly drab East Sussex landscapes, chiefly around Ticehurst. Ticehurst was the home of her aunt Clara Cowling, with whom Evelyn used to stay occasionally, especially during what she called her 'crisis' years, 1937-40, following her separation from Charles Mahoney. A deeper and more consuming interest in landscape developed late in her career, in fact during the last few years of her life, 1950-60, the period when she and Roger Folley lived in a succession of houses in or about Wye. (No landscapes feature in her immediate post-war output, when her focus was chiefly on allegory.)
The title Brook from Amage, is succinct, to say the least. It's also almost unique: only one other landscape has a title given by Evelyn herself, the almost contemporary The Great Stour at Wye.
The Great Stour at Wye oil on canvas 1958 Photograph: Richard Valencia ©Christopher Campbell-Howes private collection
No other landscape is identified by Evelyn herself. If they have titles, they are bland and generalised, like Sussex Landscape, below, so named by Roger Folley:
'Sussex Landscape' oil on canvas c.1938 Photograph ©Christopher Campbell-Howes private collection
Wye from Olantigh was so named not by Evelyn, but simply through the tradition of the family that owned it. With Brook from Amage it's as though Evelyn wants us to know exactly where it represents. Brook from Amage isn't a particularly prepossessing landscape. While it's by no means disagreeable, it's not a scene of great natural beauty, it doesn't tick many of the boxes established by better-known landscape artists. Besides, it's raining, something quite unusual in landscape painting, but we'll come to that in a minute. I don't think for a moment that Evelyn is trying to distract us from admiration of the natural beauty of the extreme eastern corner of the Weald, but that she wants to tell us something else.
Superficially Brook from Amage is a pleasant, unassuming - one might say undemanding - pastoral scene. However, as in so much of Evelyn's work, there are several layers of significance. We might begin with the observation that the hand of man is evident everywhere, from the hedging to the buildings in Brook, from the telegraph poles to the curious tower structure on the horizon in the extreme top left-hand corner. More to Evelyn's point is the neat and organised layout of the fields as far as the eye can distinguish them, their different colourings testifying to rotations of crops and to a healthy balance between arable and stock farming: indeed, in the yellowish field centre right livestock - are they sheep? - are grazing among the residual stalks of harvested cereal. Everything is controlled, measured, productive, in fact 'a landscape worked and loved in equal measure', to quote a motto I once found, improbably, inscribed into the masonry of a car park wall on the Isle of Harris.
Evelyn arrived in East Kent in 1950, following Roger Folley's appointment at Wye College. To start with they rented a house called The Elms, which stood in an isolated and lonely position a half mile or so from the hamlet of Hinxhill. They had come from Oxfordshire, Evelyn leaving behind an active artistic life centred on the two Oxford art colleges at which she taught, the School of Art and the Ruskin. Although she continued to teach, travelling regularly to Oxford and back, for her the move was a savage separation from the circumstances which gave birth to some of her most mature and significant creation. 
Initially she found some relief from the isolation of The Elms in nearby Ashford, where there was a thriving Christian Science community, into which both she and her husband were made welcome. To what extent Roger Folley shared his wife's Christian Science is debatable, but I don't think he had any difficulty in sharing her ideas about what I have called the Covenant. This notion, that the Creator (with or without a capital C, as you think best) gave the earth freely to mankind, in return for mankind's promise to look after it with intelligence, industry and love, pervades Evelyn's work. To me its exact relationship within Christian Science is unclear. It maybe owes as much to her mother Florence as to Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science. It's more clearly defined in various places in the Bible, most notably in Genesis, where God gives Adam - and Eve - the Garden of Eden to 'dress it and keep it'. It's also recognised in certain of the Psalms, which leads me to a curious circumstance, if I can be excused from relating a personal reminiscence.
In the mid 1950s, when I was in my early teens I used to stay at The Elms for a few days during most school holidays. I would be woken most mornings by a muffled recitation, maybe lasting ten minutes, from Roger's and Evelyn's bedroom next door. The exchanges were regular, as though they were reading to each other, each taking alternate passages. What they were reading was mostly unrecognisable, but in one instance it seemed to me that I had heard 'And thy clouds drop fatness', an expression memorable for its oddness. I recognised it; in a recent scholarship exam I'd had to compare and contrast two versions of Psalm 65, say King James and the Revised Version, in which vv. 10-13 run as follows:
Thou waterest the ridges thereof [i.e. the earth] abundantly: thou settlest the furrows thereof: thou makest it soft with showers: thou blessest the springing thereof.
Thou crownest the year with thy goodness: and thy clouds drop fatness.
They drop upon the pastures of the wilderness: and the little hills rejoice on every side.
The pastures are clothed with flocks; the valleys also are covered over with corn; they shout for joy, they also sing.

So it appeared that Roger Folley had been drawn into Christian Science from his Lancashire Methodist background, if only to the extent that he and Evelyn used to read the Bible together first thing in the morning. (I later learnt that they read from a programme of Bible readings suggested by the Christian Science Church.)

This is not to suggest that having read this passage Evelyn packed up her landscape gear and made for Amage to paint the farmland stretching across to Brook. The dates are wrong, for one thing: the painting comes from two or three years after my overheard Psalm-recitation. Besides, at the time Evelyn lived at The Elms: not a difficult journey, a little longer, but far out of step with an important spiritual implication we will come to presently.

But I can imagine that, having been familar for some time with that view and what it could be invoked to express, on one morning in September 1959 she did indeed pack her equipment, easel, camp stool, boxes of paints, sticks of charcoal and jars of brushes and maybe her umbrella into the back of their Morris Oxford Traveller. Her 10-minute journey would take her the two or three miles from her home at Staple Farm on the outskirts of Hastingleigh, a village on an escarpment of the North Downs, down Coldharbour Lane to its junction with Amage Road, along which she drove for a half-mile or so before arriving at Amage Farm. Here below is the view again, for reference purposes, and I can well imagine Evelyn's spiritual joy and uplift on confirming that it reflects those verses from Psalm 65 very closely indeed. But why should she choose a wet morning?

How do you paint rain? More particularly, how do you paint rain in a landscape that doesn't stray too far from the conventional? Evelyn starts with a grey and leaden sky, low rain-bearing clouds that have come in from the North Sea, judging by the way the cattle have turned their rumps towards the incoming weather. She would perhaps have had in mind a quotation from the book of Job - always a favourite with Evelyn - which she used in something from twenty years before, her Country Life 1938 Gardener's Diary:

Who can number the clouds in wisdom? Or who can stay the bottles of heaven [...] ? (Job 38, 37; i.e Who can stop it raining?)

Evelyn has few means by which to emphasise the rain, but one stands out. It's surely no accident that in almost the exact centre of the picture she has painted a cow lying down. This cow is slightly separated from the rest of the herd, many of which are also lying down. While there may be no scientific proof that cows lie down when it's raining or about to rain, it's a widely enough held notion to carry Evelyn's point, and to acknowledge that into each life some rain must fall.

* * *

In 2007 Roger Folley, by that time 95, put together a statement entitled The Husband's Narrative. He distributed numbered copies among family and friends, in the wake of a burgeoning of interest in Evelyn's life and work, partly expressed through a 2006 exhibition to mark the centenary of her birth, and partly to redress certain imbalances in popular misconceptions about her, chiefly that she painted little in the post-war years when in fact the opposite was true. 

The Husband's Narrative mentioned for the first time something that had been a closed subject for many years: Evelyn's health and Christian Science teaching. Evelyn died suddenly and unexpectedly in May 1960, aged 53. Roger wrote in The Husband's Narrative:

'Apparently in good health, she passed away without warning or farewell: no bed, no walls, just the clouds. The manner of her death caused much heart searching. Just once she mentioned "I've never felt quite right since we went to the dance" meaning the All Night Ball at the senate House, in 1958. She was not suffering in any way that I could see and I left her to deal with it in her own way: it was not life-threatening'.

How Evelyn dealt with a condition that led to coronary atheroma - the cause of death given on her death certificate - can only be guessed at. Death from coronary atheroma results from a gradual build-up of fatty tissues in the blood vessels surrounding the heart. Symptoms include progressive fatigue, breathlessness and chest pain among others over months. As a Christian Scientist Evelyn would have dealt with this as something of satanic origin, to be treated with denial of its existence, fortified by prayer. It's with great temerity that I make the suggestion that she tried to come to terms with the physical problems, perhaps a temporary crisis that she was experiencing, through her work, in particular through Brook from Amage. Moreover, she didn't sign it, and although the signing or initialling of her work can occasionally be inconsistent, Evelyn does not sign work that is unfinished or, more importantly, work that is a testament to a personal problem or struggle.

The right hand side of Brook from Amage takes the viewer across the fields westwards towards the Great Stour and beyond to the low hills on the horizon, Challock Lees and Eastwell Park. The left hand, south western side is more specific. The eye follows a diagonal line sketched by some foreground foliage (which Evelyn may never have completed), passing a beech or oak still in full green leaf, almost touches the chancel, the eastern end of Brook church, picks up the road leading up Spelders Hill and finishes with a curious building, a tower. What lies beyond, over the horizon, is hidden from the viewer.

But Evelyn knows very well what lies beyond. The top of Spelders Hill turns out to be the end of a ridge. A few hundred metres along it lies The Elms, the house in which Evelyn lived from 1950 until almost the end of 1957.

 The Elms, Hinxhill: Evelyn's and Roger Folley's home 1950-57

It was at The Elms that Evelyn was at her most contented. As mentioned above, it took a little while for her to acclimatise and find her feet, but once settled she embarked on a period of her life during which she produced some of her most remarkable work. (Her studio, with a strong north light, stood between the porch and the conservatory.) She maintained a teaching presence in Oxford, and started taking a few private pupils locally. She played a full part in the cultural life of Wye College, arranging lectures from eminent artists and musicians. She designed scenery and sets for the college Drama Club. She enjoyed fell-walking and rock-scrambling holidays in the Lake District and skiing in the French Alps. She provided weekend and sometimes longer accommodation for boys from the Caldecott Community, a nearby children's home. She played a full part in the activities of the East Kent Art Society. She had a wonderful gift for friendship, specifically within the Christian Science congregation and more generally in the local community. She was closer to her family, based in Rochester and Maidstone, than she had been when living in Oxfordshire. 

All these riches were associated with The Elms. Although they continued unabated at Tan House, a stopgap house in the village of Wye before moving in 1958 to Staple Farm, her activities had their full measure at The Elms, where I think she was free of the pain that assailed her progressively from mid-1958 onwards. Brook from Amage is an acknowledgement partly of discomfort-free days over the horizon, and partly of troubles that were current when she sought to combat them through this painting. I suspect that the following lines from the book of Job -

The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. (Job 1 v21)

- were never very far away from her thoughts in her last months.

 Text ©Christopher Campbell-Howes 2023. All rights reserved.


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